Because it is a democracy...
Posted: Saturday, March 6, 2010 by CM Sapper inIt is a democracy, the one and only in the Middle East and beyond, at least that's what they've been trying to convince everyone for the past 6 decades. Now, it does not stop there, this democracy is the most threatened in the world, says its prime minister Netanyahu because of the many dictator rulers and extreme religious leaders surrounding it. With that, Israel has been getting by very easily without being questioned or judged about any of its many crimes against the Palestinians.
Being supported, for perhaps not the most genuine reasons, by the governments and lobbies that control the global political scene, this unlimited support needs to be justified to the rest of the world and I'd argue to the citizens of first world countries. To campaign for this support, many tricks have been used, some worked and others didn't, but one never seems to get old. The value of democracy has always been leveraged as the most common element that brings the West and Israel together. From there, it naturally followed that the state of Israel must be defended against any opposing activities, even if these were as simple as speaking up against its criminal policies or educating the public about its racist values that are pro-apartheid. It is a shame to see democracy, the value that supposedly sits at the core of the Western civilization, as a lousy method that enables the strong against the weak. Not only do I consider this disgraceful, but also contradictory of the very basis of democracy, which is the right to speak, especially when it comes to violations of human rights and justice.
I am writing this, as a response to the decision many of the Western parliaments, including Canada's, passing or trying to pass motions to condemn and oppose Israel Apartheid Week, an event its organizers claim is based on awareness and education. When asked about the reasoning behind such blind support, most defended "Israel's values are homogeneous with ours" stressing the factor of democracy in their response. It is unfortunate to see these politicians willing to give it all up for their parliament seats, even if it took associating their countries with the disgusting values and principles of the state of Israel.
The bottom line is we need to speak up and spread the word against apartheid, even if it was an Israeli apartheid, until our governments and politicians realize that their people know the facts and understand the plots, and only then they'll have no choice but to comply with the aware majority.
This is great! You don't see too many people writing about this kind of stuff. Everyone is too busy with either Tiger Woods or the Academy Awards...